Zero waste quiz

Are you a tosser? Take our quiz and find out how zero-waste you are!

Those who follow me will know I’ve been doing a lot of work to become more zero-waste lately. To celebrate my achievements I have created this little quiz so you can find out how much of a tosser you really are. Are you a trier? A doer or a zero? Remember, trash is for tossers!  Continue reading

zero waste

Zero-waste? It’s all in your head!

As some of you will know, I’ve been looking into how we as a household could become zero-waste and have been looking at alternatives for our everyday necessities. But what’s the truth about zero-waste?  Is it relevant to you? Does it involve being a weirdo? If you don’t know the answer to these questions, you need to read this.  Continue reading

potty training nappy

Using disposable nappies when your baby goes potty or is potty training

Even though we know that they make the Potty Learning process harder, disposable nappies provide a cheap and convenient solution for many parents and they are the number 1 nappy option in the UK and North America. Here are my top tips to help ensure successful Potty Learning, even if you choose to use disposable nappies: Continue reading