5 tips to overcome toddler wee witholding and anxiety

Does your child withhold their wee, procrastinate about weeing or seem anxious about weeing? Wee withholding is actually quite common, and usually stems from fear. Read on to learn how to implement supportive strategies and help your child overcome their fears and build confidence in the potty training process. Continue reading

Does your child shy away from praise? Here’s why (and what to do instead)

There are a range of ways you might have tried to acknowledge your child’s efforts and successes in potty training, from external rewards like snacks or star charts to sharing the news with loved ones.  But what if your child recoils from praise?  What’s the alternative? Continue reading

Potty Training Reimagined: A Tailored Method for Every Child’s Pace

Why is it that some children breeze through potty training in a few days and others can take months or even years? Is there a way for parents to tell whether their child will struggle with potty training and is there an approach that will make it easier?
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Do disposable nappies make potty learning harder?

Living in the age that we do now should make parenting easier than for our ancestors, right? There are so many modern conveniences, and so many fabulous and innovative solutions available to us. But are they helping or hindering when it comes to potty learning?

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What parents can learn from The Mayan method

I recently read an article on Scary Mommy about how if children are empowered to engage with chores from birth, Mayan-style, households are much more equal and harmonious places. It made me hope that parents will apply this same logic to Potty Learning from birth.
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Is your child excluded from childcare/school because of a toileting/continence issue?

Are you worried that your child is due to be attending school when they are not yet toilet independent/potty trained? Or have you been told that their child can’t access childcare or attend school because of a toileting/continence issue? I’m here to help. Continue reading

Potty learning in partnership with your childcare provider

One of the most common concerns in our Facebook Group – Potty Learning Support (from birth to independence) – is how parents can prevent their childcare providers from what often feels like sabotaging their potty learning progress. So whether you are working with a well-meaning parent-in-law with different ideas about parenting or a nursery/daycare with unhelpful policies about potty learning, we are here to help you to work in partnership. Continue reading