
Little Bunny Bear specialises in ethically produced products and resources designed for potty learning babies and toilet training toddlers. Our founder Rebecca Mottram is one of the leading experts in Potty Learning. She works in the NHS as a paediatric research nurse and is on the Professional Advisory Committee for ERIC, the Bladder and Bowel Charity.

Rebecca writes books, offers private consultations, designs courses and produces other content to help parents and carers understand the science of potty learning and support their toddlers through the major childhood milestone of becoming toilet independent. Both her children used the potty from birth.


Where should I start?
Children are born ready to begin learning potty skills and you can support their natural development by introducing the potty as early as birth. Wherever you are on your journey, we can meet you there and provide the support and guidance you need.

Rebecca has also written over 50 blogs on Potty Learning (covering Baby Pottying/Elimination Communication and Potty Training) which help to correct widespread misinformation that parents may have picked up and provide support for common potty learning issues such as constipation, fear, resistance or regressions. You can explore these or look for answers to our Frequently Asked Questions.


In addition to being a potty learning expert, Rebecca is a trained seamstress, and clothing designer. She created the Go Potty™ range of EC clothing, nappy cloths and mattress protection and the Sew Potty™ range of sewing patterns for parents who want to make their own. You can order from our Etsy store or explore this site to learn all about baby pottying and potty training from Rebecca.